Our Philosophy

CCDC is a Reggio inspired early learning center. Why we chose this philosophical approach to children and learning is reflected in the following list of principles:


Image of the child 

Image of the child as capable, curious, eager to learn and wanting to socialize.


Documentation that shows children's ownership of their work, shows the learning process, the use of written communication, and helps to make meaning of an experience.


Collaboration which involves respecting and including everyone’s perspective while working together rather than in isolation

The Teacher 

The teacher is viewed as a researcher who studies and seeks to further understand the children and their learning processes.


Environment which provokes exploration and experimentation, problem solving and negotiation, communication and collaboration while promoting a balance between comfort and stimulation.

Emergent Curriculum

Emergent Curriculum involving the use of listening, observing and documenting in order to organize learning experiences for children based on both children’s and teachers’ learning interests and investments.

Professional Development

Professional Development that is ongoing, intentional, and reflective while such qualities as dialogue, hearing other’s perspectives, having outside influences and trying new experiences are encouraged. 

Materials and Languages

Materials and languages that support children’s communication and/or understanding of ideas, feelings, and experiences; to explore aspects of quantitative thinking; as well as exploring a sense of identity and community.

Parent Partnerships

Parent Partnerships where the parents’ voice is heard in the school, there is a link between home and school and parents actively participate and share their perspective.

Listening and Observing

Listening and observing to develop emergent curriculum with short or long term studies.

All Learners

The child, parent, and teacher are all learners 


Excerpt is from article by Karen Haigh: An Approach for all Children, Reinterpreting the Reggio Emilia Approach in the USA. 3/2009 (Link)

A Brief History of the Reggio Emilia Approach:
After World War II, the Italian government provided a small amount of money to each town to assist in restoring the sense of community that was lost during the war. Most towns used the money to build community centers. One town took a different approach; Villa Cella, decided to invest in the future by building a school for the children. 
With determination, the work began with women gathering bricks weekly and the men would build. Loris Malaguzzi, known as the father of the Reggio approach to education, wanted to see this project as he thought it was impossible. When he arrived and discovered that the citizens were building a school brick by brick, he became involved. From this modest beginning, the Reggio Emilia approach continues.